Triangle Ladder

Grand total


The CAP Triangle Ladder is designed to aid children in developing motor skills and building strength in the safe surrounds of their home environment. Using the bars to climb enables your child to develop a sense of place of their body in space and gives them the opportunity to test and perfect their climbing abilities. The Triangle Ladder allows your child to move freely and enables them to develop at their own pace.

The Ladder is only 82cm at the top rung so is perfect for a toddler up to 5 years old.

Our Ladder is 1m wide for stability and made to fold away for easy storage. It comes with a double locking method to eliminate the chance of collapse when in use. You can also add a double sided Ramp to compliment your Triangle Ladder. The Ramp has has nonslip contours one side and the reverse is smooth, so it can double as a rudimentary slippery slide. Our Triangle Ladder and Ramps are finished in Polyurethane varnish for maximum durability.

The Triangle Ladder has many other uses for which it wasn’t designed: With a sheet over the top it becomes a cubby house or tunnel to a bedroom. We can even make a set of monkey bars to go between two Ladders (please add 2 ladders to your quote bag if requesting the monkey bar option). If you can think of other uses, let us know and we can give you a quote to make that too.

Our Triangle Ladders can be flat packed for easy shipping.

Technical Specifications

Width Height Rung Spacing
1000 mm 890mm mm O/A 125 mm (100mm gap between)